2016 Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show
In many ways this Friday, April 22, 2016 is the official start to the Sailing Season on the Chesapeake Bay. The Annapolis Spring Boat Show, now in it's 5th year, brings sailors back to town and launches the sailing season in a big way. Much like the Fall United States Sailboat Show, an internationally acclaimed sailboat show, the largest and oldest in-water sailboat show in the world, the Spring Boat Show has continually grown in size and excitement. Chesapeake Sailmakers is a proud participant and supporter for many years. Come visit with us in A Tent space A-29 opposite Fawcett Boat Supplies. This is a perfect opportunity to learn about the latest sail fabrics and construction methods, ask questions about sail repair and maintenance, discuss the right sails for your boat and get a quote for new a new sail. We are a typical American small business, founded on the idea of better customer service and your local sailmaker.